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Yu Ruei Chen

Yu Ruei Chen

Taiwan (China) (TW)

Yu Ruei Chen, who is the design director of Raimi Interior Design. He holds a sincere and thoughtful heart, and by means of the ingenious aesthetic taste, works in concert with the experienced and professional team, furthermore, integrates the essence spirits of varied styles, and then, excellently interprets via the interior design. He goes all in to transform the fancy imagination into the real dream, and hope to convey the living attitude of appreciating aesthetics, ultimately aim to bring about the exclusive captivating circumstance for the proprietors.

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Cemil Yavuz

Cemil Yavuz

Turkey (TR)

He was born in İnegöl in 1983. He completed his primary and secondary education in the same city and graduated from Eskişehir Anadolu University, Industrial Design Department in 2005 with second place. He worked as an industrial designer in the furniture and bathroom industries for 6 years. He completed his Master's education in 2014 and his Ph.D. in 2019. Since February 2011, he has been working as a Res. Asst. Dr. at Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Industrial Design Department. In addition to his researcher and instructive identity, designing innovative products, especially in the field of furniture design, is one of his passions.

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China (CN)

He is a passionate designer. He has extensive experience in project design, from interior design to lighting design, art design and so on. He always keeps a lot of energy in every project. When he commissioned the design, his works are emotional and creative, which will infect all those who have experienced him. For different project design, he has unique opinions, put ideas into his design projects, treat his own design projects in the way of environment, things, people and empathy, and study the scale and transition of spatial combination in the post epidemic era, Using modern technology to give space a safe experience and promote the development of environmental design under the background of the times.

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Ying Cui

Ying Cui

China (CN)

Ying Cui is an interdisciplinary designer and lecturer with experience in product, furniture, interactive and visual communication design. Different from the general product design, she expects that the product can meet the emotional needs of users in addition to its functions. Her recent works focus on creating compelling interactive experiences to enhance the emotional connection between people and objects.

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Japan (JP)

OYU is an artist and creative director who runs ATELIER OYU <Atelier & Gallery> ATELIER OYU is a place where flower artist OYU creates and presents her works. In addition to her floral works, she also exhibits collaborative works with artists from various genres such as jewelry, glass, ceramics, and metallic materials, attempting to link a wide range of art that transcends genres and generations. Usually by appointment only, but during the spring and Christmas seasons, we hold public events. <Sales> The works displayed in the gallery are available for sale, except for some of the contest entries, such as OYU's flower art works, and other artists' works, collaborations with OYU, and products produced by OYU. <Order production> We respond to customers' requests. Ex: Space decoration   Interior objects   Occasional gifts <Social Contribution> Exhibition space is provided as a place for art school students to present their works. We support the young creative power that will spread its wings in the future.

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Time Hung Cheng Lin

Time Hung Cheng Lin

Taiwan (China) (TW)

Time Lin was born in 1960, and he showed his talent since his childhood. When he studied in elementary school and junior high school, he won the first prize in every year’s art contest. Despite studying in the regular classes, his painting was selected in the Taiwan Fine Art Exhibition when he first submitted. Seeing his painting sized 16K made in senior high school, artist maestro Mr. Ru Song, Xiao praised him as “a genius ever seen in forty years.” He was admitted in the entrance examination of National Taiwan Academy of Art he spontaneously prepared for. But at that time, Taiwan society still deemed a painters’ career as unpromising, so he chose to turn down the opportunity and enlisted himself in military service. After he left army, he started his career in advertising industry. Then he was promoted with his artistic talents and persistent efforts, from designer, art director, producer to creative director throughout his career. In 2010, when he was 50, he picked up his paintbrush again and became a self-taught artist.

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