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Marian Visterniceanu
Moldova (MD)
Over 14 years of experience in interior design and interior architecture. Known for hardworking ethic, punctuality, perseverance, and exceptional productivity skills. As an award-winning designer and interior architect that brings revolutionary design concepts and always offers a ”something extra” in terms of beauty and uniqueness. By age 33 he is a design director at Design Solutions S.R.L. and ADA studio based in Moldova, offering export of services in the USA and EUROPE. Marian has developed the platform ArchitectureDesignArt.com - specifically for the next generation of up-and-coming interiors. In his 14 years of experience, Marian has helped over 250 clients invest correctly in business spaces, hotels, restaurants, and residential spaces of over $329 MM. His purpose is to inspire and seduce the world with innovative, breathtaking designs. 283 - Successful projects; 240 - Clients and recommendations; 18 - TV, Media, Web, and Press publications; 13 - Years of International experience; 8 - Member of International Clubs of Designers; 5 - International Awards and Nominations.
View ProfileHaolai Francis Zhou
United States of America (US)
Creative designer, AIGA member. Currently, work as a Graphic Design Specialist in San Francisco Ballet, and the lead designer in H.Design Studio. Personally worked in a very diligent manner, and proved to be a critiqued person, a speeding learner, and an experienced team-worker. Passionate about design, sketching, observation, and solving problems.
View ProfileAnamarija Leljak
Switzerland (CH)
Anamarija is an up-and-coming graphic designer who strongly believes that design is created by humans, for humans. Design to her is a delicate form of communicating ideas and emotions. Her design decisions are based on a deep understanding of human psychology. Before pursuing design studies, she obtained a master's in pedagogy in Croatia. She studied design and worked in the design industry in Denmark where her fresh perspective was highly appreciated while working with the clients such as American British Tobacco, and Grundfos. She brings up the best from danish minimalism combined with the swiss contemporary design by adding her passionate and emotional perception of the world.
View ProfileBonggu (Jeremy) Kang
Canada (CA)
Jeremy Bonggu Kang is a multidisciplinary graphic designer, painter, illustrator skilled in developing concepts and visualizing creative ideas in exquisitely detailed design. He graduated from Seoul Art High School and got his bachelor’s degree in painting at Seoul National University in Korea. After moving to Vancouver, he studied Graphic Design at LaSalle College, known as the Art Institute of Vancouver in the past. He won one of the 2019 RGD student awards for packaging design. He has worked and volunteered as a freelance graphic designer since 2009.
View ProfilePeyman Kiani Falavarjani
Iran (IR)
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani was born in Esfahan, Iran. He grew up in a family with an industrial background; therefore, he had to work in his father's workshop, from childhood until the end of high school. But although he had good talent in the industry, he loved buildings since he was a child. He designed many projects in architecture and interior design and received several awards. He holds a bachelor of since in architecture degree from Glastonbury University. Later in 2012, he went on to complete his master’s degree in architecture. He has a passion for designing buildings that people are happy in where, like a hotel, bar and restaurants. He believes that a good design in a place should make people want to be there many times or travel to that place.nHe considers the emotional connection between the space and its user, a key factor which followed by aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, and functionality defines a good design. This is the perspective that forms his manifest as an architect. For more information you can follow Peyman Kiani Falavarjani on Instagram @peymankianiarchitects.
View ProfileRoberta Banqueri
Brazil (BR)
About Roberta Banqueri, creator by essence, at the beginning only of thoughts, stories, after training and as Interior Designer conceived many environments, then with the Graduation in architecture designed several spatial solutions, and now dedicates himself to the specialization and development in design of products. It sees that there is no limit to be realized with creation, from the immaterial to the real, from the large volume to the small object. After 20 years of work in the area of architecture and interior design, having developed several projects for different clients and uses, Roberta Banqueri surrendered to the desire of years of working with product design. There was the contribution of the universe to make possible the initial experimentation in the exercise of this trade, the brand front Pontoeu can put it into practice and work with creation in a loose way, without many rules of a specific client, draw what she believes, whenever she wants, and how she wants to be just herself. There is always the desire that others like, but this is not their main motivation
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