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Tim Siahatgar
United States of America (US)
My name is Tim Siahatgar, and I am an architectural engineer based in Irvine, California. Having graduated from a leading architectural engineering program, my career has been marked by a deep interest in modularity and flexible structures. As an expert in building construction, I recognize that the connectors within a building's structure are crucial for creating solid and rigid constructions. Whether it involves wood-to-wood lumber connections using nails, glue, or bolts, or metal-to-metal connections through bolts or welding, the strength of a building hinges on these essential connections. Upon meticulous examination, I have identified that aluminum extrusions offer numerous advantages over traditional wood or metal materials for human habitation. However, a persistent challenge for over a century has been the connection of two hollow extrusions. Although aluminum welding is precise, it is prohibitively expensive, and bolting two extrusion elements together fails to adequately handle lateral loads. While aluminum extrusions have been used for building framing since 1904, their applications have primarily been limited to interior framing within the building industry. Several European companies, such as Syma-Systems in Switzerland, attempted to develop locking solutions for connecting extrusions as early as 1985, but these efforts were largely confined to interior framing. The true breakthrough came with the work of Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983), a renowned architect who invented an interlocking joint specifically for aluminum extrusions in constructing geodesic dome structures. Inspired by Fuller's pioneering work, I have, after years of research and development, created an enhanced interlocking clamping system for modular aluminum geometric profiles. This invention offers swift and straightforward improvements to traditional connector techniques, thereby enhancing the robustness, comfort, efficiency, affordability, and sustainability of building structures. A comparison between conventional wood connectors, current wood stud skin stress framing, and the state-of-the-art technology in MHS building systems reveals significant differences. My design incorporates an interlocking structural aluminum framing that, through testing and analysis, has proven to be twenty times stronger than counterparts commonly found in almost all wood or light steel stud framing used in Type 5 light building construction. Beyond strengthening structural integrity, my design contributes to sustainability by making building structures recyclable, relocatable, and renewable. As an architectural engineer committed to advancing building construction, I take immense pride in my ability to make a positive and lasting impact on our world
View ProfileRosalie Hsin-Ju Lin
United States of America (US)
Rosalie Lin is a R&D specialist at Accenture Labs, Future Technologies based out of San Francisco. She works on smart and sustainable materials application-driven research across additive manufacturing, biotech, and energy harvesting. Prior to Accenture, she was a design researcher at MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group. Her research focuses on soft human-computer interactions that built upon textiles and wearables. She aims to bring in calmness, culture, and social impactful aspects with emerging technologies. She received a MDes in Technology from Harvard University and a BS in Industrial Design with minor in Life Sciences.
View ProfileAkshata Chitnis
India (IN)
Akshata comes from a unique trans-disciplinary design background with deep-rooted knowledge across behavioural psychology, product design, gamification, interaction design, emerging technologies (AR & VR) and systems thinking. Her diverse background has helped her become one of the youngest Masters candidates at the prestigious Royal College of Art at the age of 21. She has an outstanding past record of excelling as a Valedictorian in her Bachelors of Design course. Her passion for user psychology has led her to publishing her critically acclaimed research paper with Springer Nature on designing sustainable well-being services in India. She has won several international awards for her college projects along with acknowledgements for participating in studies with Harvard and Maker’s Asylum UNESCO. Her work experiences have helped her further build sensitivity in the fields of Fin-tech, health and well-being, rural business and social enterprises. She hopes to work towards societal impact and development, channelised by her process of embedding within communities that allows her to design with empathy and empowerment at the forefront.
Japan (JP)
We are a design consulting company that proposes homes, spaces, and town development that can be differentiated from others, with community = "connection" between people as a key factor. As a professional group of planning, real estate, and design, we will realize the diversifying needs of society and clients by producing and practicing from planning to operation in total.
View ProfileREMION Design Studio
Hungary (HU)
András Oravecz is a designer from Hungary. He is a founding member and CEO of REMION Design since 2014. His daily scope of duties contain lead design and sales management too. By this time as a several design award winner he is characterized as a creative, authentic and reliable strategist. Using his experience he throws himself into innovative work and branding projects every day. He is an independent designer with modern and unique style which reveals in his designs and also in business mindset.
View ProfileMaxim Kashin
Russian Federation (RU)
The main concept of Maxim Kashin interiors is a symbiosis of the geometry of space and functionalism. In each of any interior, Maxim Kashin design team create such a geometry that maximally open the space in front of the person. Geometry of space begins with a planning solution, which should set the main dynamics of perception of the interior. The geometry of the walls always directs the person to the so-called main scene - the main space in the interior.
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