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Tahsin Cetinoglu

Tahsin Cetinoglu


Tahsin is a design enthusiast who cannot avoid forming/deforming the things that he sees or touches in the world that he lives in. He is a stubborn mechanical problem solver and enjoys making quick models and prototypes with diverse materials to see fast results. He works and follows every phase of a project; from sketching to modelling, engineering to manufacturing and assembling to testing. After working for nearly two decades in the design and production business for the telecommunication industry, Tahsin chose to concentrate on his designs and start working as a freelancer. He experienced different production methods and materials over time as a designer and an engineer. He has a background in designing plastics, and metal forming such as milling and bending, packaging and graphic design. He mainly worked on consumer products, consumer electronics, military products and aviation instruments. He also makes character designs for 3D animation films and illustrations for the medical industry. He loves swimming fanatically. Just like his sincere problem-solving obsession, he fell in love with crossing the Bosphorus once and he crossed it twice in Cross-Continental Swimming Race. He has respect for all living things and he lets music, art, nature and science conduct his life. Access Tahsin Cetinoglu Newsroom

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