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Peyman Kiani Falavarjani

Peyman Kiani Falavarjani


Peyman Kiani Falavarjani was born in Esfahan, Iran. He grew up in a family with an industrial background; therefore, he had to work in his father's workshop, from childhood until the end of high school. But although he had good talent in the industry, he loved buildings since he was a child. He designed many projects in architecture and interior design and received several awards. He holds a bachelor of since in architecture degree from Glastonbury University. Later in 2012, he went on to complete his master’s degree in architecture. He has a passion for designing buildings that people are happy in where, like a hotel, bar and restaurants. He believes that a good design in a place should make people want to be there many times or travel to that place.nHe considers the emotional connection between the space and its user, a key factor which followed by aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, and functionality defines a good design. This is the perspective that forms his manifest as an architect. For more information you can follow Peyman Kiani Falavarjani on Instagram @peymankianiarchitects. Access Peyman Kiani Falavarjani Newsroom

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